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Oral Baby Digital Medical Thermometer Water-Resistant Soft Flex-Tip

Material: ABS with Stainless Steel

Size: 135*18*10 mm


  • PP-MD0451


Experience rapid and precise temperature measurements with our water-resistant thermometer featuring a soft flex-tip. With a simple press of a button, you'll obtain easy-to-read temperature readings in just 30 seconds. This thermometer offers the flexibility to measure temperatures orally, axillary (underarm), and rectally, making it suitable for individuals of all ages.

Product Description

Digital Thermometer7.2

Digital Thermometer7.5

Digital Thermometer7

Digital Thermometer7.1


ABS with Stainless Steel


135 x 18 x 10 mm

LCD size 20 x 7 mm
Range 32℃-42.9℃ (89.6℉-109.2℉)
Accuracy ±0.1℃, (35.5℃-42.0℃ )±0.2 ℉(95.9℉-107.6℉)±0.2℃ under 35.5℃ or above 42.0℃(±0.4℉ under 95.9℉or over 107.6℉)
N.W. 11.5 g

For storing the last reading memory

Measurement time

Fast Read (10 seconds)


One 1.5V DC button battery

(size LR41 or SR41)

Battery life Approx. 200 hours
Battery Power

Auto shut-off


Select Your Measurement Method: Your choice of measurement method depends on comfort and the situation.

Oral: This method involves placing the soft flex-tip thermometer under the tongue. It's a common and convenient choice for adults and older children.

Axillary (Underarm): For a comfortable and non-invasive option, position the thermometer under the armpit. It's suitable for infants and toddlers.

Rectal: When precision is critical, such as for infants, rectal measurements are recommended. Gently insert the thermometer into the rectum for an accurate reading.

Prepare the Thermometer: Ensuring your thermometer is clean is vital for accurate results. Clean the soft flex-tip with a mild disinfectant and warm water. Make sure it's dry and free from any residue before use. Insert a fresh 1.5V battery to power the device. You can expect long-lasting performance from a single battery.

Turn it On: To activate the thermometer, simply press the power button. Upon turning it on, the device performs a quick self-test to confirm that it's functioning correctly. This self-check ensures the accuracy of your temperature reading.

Take the Temperature: Gently position the soft flex-tip in the desired measurement location based on your chosen method:

For oral measurements, place it carefully under the tongue, ensuring good contact with the tissue.

When taking an axillary measurement, ensure the thermometer is snugly positioned under the armpit.

For rectal measurements, insert the thermometer into the rectum, following the manufacturer's instructions carefully.

Wait for the Reading: In just 30 seconds, the thermometer will provide a precise temperature measurement. You'll receive a clear and easy-to-read result on the thermometer's display or through an audible signal, depending on the model.

Record and Store: If necessary, record the temperature reading for future reference. Our thermometer comes with a convenient 1-piece case for hygienic storage, ensuring that it remains clean and protected until the next use.

Turn it Off: To conserve battery life, remember to turn off the thermometer after use by pressing the power button again. This simple step helps ensure that your thermometer is ready when you need it.

Whether you're monitoring your health or that of a loved one, our water-resistant thermometer simplifies the process with its user-friendly design and versatility. Trust in its fast and accurate results to keep you well-informed and prepared for any situation. Make your temperature monitoring experience hassle-free and precise with our soft flex-tip thermometer today. It's the ideal choice for reliable temperature measurements, no matter the circumstances.



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